Universitas Sriwijaya opens The PhD program in Realistic Mathematics Education in Indonesia since 2016. Please take a look its information at the following website https://fkip.unsri.ac.id/S3PMAT/
- AME SMS 2014
- Assessment
- buku
- constructivist
- design researc
- design research
- development research
- Doctor on PMRI
- earcome6
- educational research
- Freudenthal institute
- gaji besar
- hari matematika internasional
- hari phi
- idhil fitir
- IMD2020
- impome
- Indonesia
- kelas 1
- korupsi
- Kurikulum 2013
- Literacy and Numeracy
- literasi matematika
- matematika
- math and science education
- mathematics education
- melek matematika
- Merdeka Belajar
- Model
- P4MRI Unsri
- panel discussion
- Pelatihan dosen S1 PGSD
- Pendidikan matematika FKIP Unsri
- PISA matematika Indonesia
- PMDSU Pendidikan matematika
- PMRI in Youtube
- professor PMRI
- rme
- RME-based lesson
- school math
- Semiloka PISA
- summer course
- tematik integratif
- triangulation
- unesa
- unsri
- web support
- zulkardi
PhD program in Realistic Mathematics Education in Indonesia (RME/PMRI)
ICME15 2024 in SIDNEY
Let’s go to the ICME15,
7-14 July, 2024 in Sidney. Come and be counted! (zul)
ICME14 in July 2021
ICME14 in July 2021. Please take a look at the new abstracts of all activities.
PMDSU Scholarship on Math Education in UNSRI 2021
After success with the first PMDSU Unsri 2019 on math education with Prof Zulkardi as the promotor of Duano Sapta Nusantara, this year, Unsri opens an admission for best undergraduate students to continue to Master and Doctorate program in a four year program called PMDSU.
For Mathematics Education, take a look at the promotor from Unsri: [...]
International Day of Mathematics 2024 (Hari Matematika Internasional 2024)
International Day of Mathematics 2024 (Hari Matematika Internasional 2024-seperti yang dinyatakan UNESCO sejak 2020) akan jatuh pada tanggal 14 March 2024. Dulu hari matematika internasional disebut hari Phi atau 3.14. Pada hari itu, akan dilaksanakan Pameran Poster Internasional dengan tema ‘Play with math”. Ayo kita meriahkan hari matematika internasional. Kegiatan hari matematika internasional dapat [...]
Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika menuju Akreditasi Internasional
Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika menuju Akreditasi Internasional tahun 2021. Terhimpun dalam satu klaster ‘mathematics education’ yang terdiri dari prodi Sarjana S1, Master s2 dan Doktor S3. Sedangkan institusi internasional yang melaksanakan akreditasinya adalah AQAS dari Germany.
Kerjasama Prodi Pend. Mat Unsri & UMS
Learning Math & Science at the NASA web
Indonesian Standard National School Curriculum
Education National Standard in Indonesia 2016(in Indonesian)
1. Competencies Based Standard Primary and Secondary Education
2. Content Standard Primary and Secondary Education
3. Process Standard Primary and Secondary Education
4. Evaluation Process Primary and Secondary Education
Prof. Dr. Zulkardi
Program Study Mathematics Education
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Universitas Sriwijaya,
Palembang, South Sumatra
Sepasang Profesor PMRI in Youtube (A couple of professor on Realistic Mathematics Education in Youtube)
Sepasang profesor PMRI in Youtube
(A couple of Professor on Realistic Mathematics Education in Youtube now)
Please take a look..