You are currently browsing all posts tagged with impome
SEA-DR C in Palembang success!
(Tuesday, 23 April 2013)The first international conference called SEA-DR was opened by the rector of Sriwijaya University, Badia Preizade, yesterday in Palembang. Started with reporting what and why the conference by the head committee, Zulkardi, continued with the speech of the rector. In her speech, she told the participants thanks and her appreciation for [...]
StuNed and DIKTI Scholarships for 20 Young Indonesian Lecturers to study in the Netherlands
Press release, 19 November 2012
Today, the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) and the Netherlands Education Support Office (Nuffic Neso Indonesia) signed an MOU to co-finance two more batches of the International Master Program on Mathematic Education (IMPoME) for a total of 20 young Indonesian lecturers. IMPoME started in 2009 and has so far produced [...]
3-Mhs-Impome Terbaik di Unsri
Enam Puluh Lima Orang Berpredikat Dengan Pujian Pada Wisuda Unsri Ke-102
Wisuda sarjana ke-102 Universitas Sriwijaya dilakukan di Gedung Auditorium Kampus Inderalaya, 22 Maret 2012. Kali ini ada enam puluh lima orang wisudawan dan wisudawati yang meraih predikat dengan pujian. Jumlah itu terdiri dari lulusan Program Pascasarjana (PPs) delapan orang, lulusan Program Sarjana (S1) 55 [...]